SGA Position Descriptions

Listed below are all SGA positions and the responsibilities they entail. For more information, go to



  1. The office of the President may be held by only one person at any one time.
  2. The President may call and preside at meetings of SGA and the Assembly.
  3. The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board and the Representative Council.
  4. The President shall act as a liaison between faculty and administration and students, and shall represent the undergraduate body whenever called upon to do so.
  5. The President shall represent SGA at the Board of Trustees meetings.

Vice President

  1. The Office of the Vice-President may be held by only one person at any one time.
  2. The Vice-President shall chair the Appointments Committee and shall be responsible for that committee’s agenda.
  3. Upon the request of the President, the Vice-President shall assist the President in any and all duties.
  4. The Vice-President shall be a member of the Executive Board.
  5. The Vice-President shall assume the role of the President in the event that the President is unable to perform the duties of the office. If the President resigns or is impeached, the Vice-President shall assume the role of the President for the duration of the former President’s term of office.
  6. In the event that the Vice-President assumes the role of President, a new Vice-President shall be elected from among the members of the Representative Council by the Representative Council.


  1. The Office of Treasurer may be held by two people at any one time.
  2. The Treasurers shall administer the funds of SGA and shall serve as its adviser in financial matters.
  3. The Treasurers shall oversee the collection of SGA Common Treasury Dues.
  4. The Treasurers shall call and preside over meetings of the Student Finance Committee, and shall represent them when called to do so.
  5. The Treasurers shall be a member of the Executive Board.
  6. The Treasurers shall assume the responsibility of insuring that SGA funded events are free to Association members.
  7. The Treasurers shall have the right to inspect the books of every club or committee, which is receiving SGA Common Treasury Funds, and may audit the books at the close of every year.
  8. The Treasurers may call a meeting of the financial officers of any and all campus organizations.
  9. The Treasurers shall keep time at all meetings of SGA


  1. The Office of the Secretary may be held by only one person at any one time.
  2. The Secretary shall be responsible for the following: giving notice of all SGA and open Assembly meetings, keeping minutes and attendance, keeping the necessary records of the Representative Council, correspondence as directed by the President, and keeping a current list of Assembly members.
  3. The Secretary shall set the Agenda of the Representative Council meeting and distribute Representative Council minutes.
  4. The Secretary shall uphold the Attendance Policy.
  5. The Secretary shall be a member of the Executive Board.
  6. The Secretary may appoint an assistant.
  7. The Secretary shall be an expert on the Constitution and meeting procedures.
  8. The Secretary shall work closely with the Webmistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex appointed by the Appointments Committee to keep the website or other means of distributing information up to date.

Head of the Honor Board

  1. The Office of the Head of the Honor Board may be held by only one person at any one time.
  2. The Head of the Honor Board shall call and preside at meetings of the Social and Academic Honor Boards. The Head of the Honor Board shall direct the consideration of cases arising from the possible violation of the Honor Code.
  3. The Head of the Honor Board shall administer an arbitrary selection of the four rotating members of the Social Honor Board.
  4. The Head of the Honor Board shall, upon invitation, attend Residence Council meetings to discuss Social Honor Code concerns.
  5. The Head of the Honor Board shall have the responsibility to make known to SGA  the procedures and decisions of the Honor Board, as well as the Academic and Social Resolutions, in the form of anonymous abstracts. These abstracts shall be written shortly after resolution is reached and shall be released as prescribed by the Honor Code.
  6. The Head of the Honor Board is a member of the Executive Board.
  7. The Head of the Honor Board may request that the President of SGA call an emergency meeting of the Representative Council.
  8. No member of the Honor Board other than the Head of the Honor Board shall serve on the Executive Board.



Haverford Representative(s)

  1. The Haverford Representative(s) may be held by two people,
  2. The Haverford Representative(s) shall be responsible for communication between the Assembly and SGA members residing at Haverford College.
  3. The Haverford Representative(s) may call and shall preside over meetings of SGA members residing at Haverford College and must call at least one such meeting each semester while in office.
  4. The Haverford Representative(s) shall attend Haverford College Student Council meetings at the discretion of the office-holder and at the request of the Assembly. Occasions on which the student attends Student Council meetings instead of Representatives Council shall not be counted as absences from Representatives Council.
  5. The Haverford Representative’s primary function is to vote in Representatives Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short-term goals.
  6. The Haverford Representative(s) shall attend and participate in Representative Council meetings.
  7. The Haverford Representative(s) may serve on committees formed by Representative Council.
  8. The Haverford Representative(s) shall serve on the Alcohol and Party Review Board.
  9. The Haverford Representative(s) shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  10. If there are two people holding office, only one Representative is required to be present at meetings of the Representative Council.

Off- Campus Representative

  1. The Office of the Off-Campus Representative may be held by two people.
  2. The Off Campus Representative shall be responsible for the representation of the non-resident members of SGA at each meeting of the Representatives Council and shall be responsible for communication between the Assembly and the non-resident members of SGA.
  3. The Off Campus Representative may call and preside over meetings of the non-resident members of SGA and must call at least one such meeting each semester while in office.
  4. The Off Campus Representative primary function is to vote in Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.
  5. The Off Campus Representative shall attend and participate in Representative Council meetings.
  6. The Off Campus Representative may serve on committees formed by Representative Council.
  7. The Off Campus Representative shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  8. If there are two people holding office, only one Representative is required to be present at meetings of the Representative Council.

Class Presidents

  1. The office of Class President(s) may be held by two people.
  2. Class Presidents shall be in charge of all class functions for their respective classes.
  3. The four Class Presidents shall be liaisons between their respective classes and the Assembly.
  4. The Class Presidents shall be voting members of the Representative Council.
  5. One of the primary functions of the Class Presidents is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Head of Elections

  1. The Head of the Elections Board may be held by two people.
  2. The Head of the Elections Board shall administer SGA ’s election system, assisted by the members of the Elections Board.
  3. The Head of the Elections Board shall convene, preside over and represent the Elections Board.
  4. The Head of the Elections Board may, at the discretion of the office-holder, appoint one or more assistants.
  5. The Head of the Elections Board shall be voting members of the Representative Council.
  6. One of the primary functions of the Head of the Elections Board is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Head of Residence Council

  1. The office of the Head of Residence Council may be held by two people.
  2. The Head of Residence Council shall call and preside at all meetings of the Residence Council.
  3. The Head of Residence Council shall run Room Draw.
  4. The Head of Residence Council shall head Residence Council’s Special Cases Committee.
  5. The Head of Residence Council shall be the liaison between the Residence Council and the Assembly.
  6. The Head of Residence Council shall serve as SGA ’s representative to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the Board of Trustees.
  7. The Head of Residence Council shall serve as SGA ’s Representative to Housing Group.
  8. The Head of Residence Council may establish and appoint the members of such committees of Residence Council as the student considers necessary and shall be responsible for the functioning of these committees.
  9. The Residence Council Head-Elect shall be apprentice to the current head, and shall take office following Room Draw.
  10. The Residence Council Head-Elect shall assist the Residence Council Head during Room Draw.
  11. The Head of Residence Council shall be a voting member of the Assembly.
  12. One of the primary functions of the Head of Residence Council is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Head of Curriculum Committee

  1. The office of the Head of the Student Curriculum Committee may be held by two people.
  2. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee shall call and preside at meetings of the Student Curriculum Committee.
  3. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee shall serve on the Student-Faculty Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
  4. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for the recruiting of proctors for self-scheduled final examinations.
  5. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee shall be a liaison between the Student-Faculty Curriculum Committee, the Student Curriculum Committee, and the Assembly.
  6. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee may establish and appoint the members of such subcommittees of the Student Curriculum Committee as the student considers necessary and shall be responsible for the functioning of these committees.
  7. The Head of the Student Curriculum Committee shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  8. One of the primary functions of the Head of the Student Curriculum Committee is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Traditions Mistress/Master/Mistex

  1. The office of Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex may be held by two people.
  2. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex shall organize, execute, and perpetuate all traditions of Bryn Mawr College.
  3. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex shall call and preside at meetings of the Traditions Committee.
  4. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex shall be responsible for the administration of the election of the First-Year Traditional Non-Transfer Student Songs Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex during Customs Week each year.
  5. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex may petition SGA  as defined in Article XI, Section I, if interest has been expressed to discontinue, modify, or create a tradition.
  6. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex-Elect shall serve as an apprentice to the current Head of the Traditions Committee until the Mistress(es)-Elect takes office on May Day following election.
  7. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex-Elect shall assist the current Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex in the organization and execution of the May Day Celebration.
  8. In the event that the McBride Scholars’ Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex position be held, the Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex will coordinate with said McBride Scholars’ Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex to facilitate the opportunity for full participation of the McBride Scholars in the undergraduate traditions of Bryn Mawr College.
  9. The Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  10. One of the primary functions of the Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex Representative is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.
  11. In the year after serving as Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex the outgoing Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex (herein referred to as the Traditions Emeritus/a/um [i/ae/a]) shall serve as the (Co-)Head(s) of the Hell Week Committee. Their duties will include meeting with the current Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex and the Staff Adviser to Traditions to determine the goals of the Hell Week Committee, scheduling meetings, and setting agendas for meetings. The Traditions Emeritus/a/um [i/ae/a] are not the final arbiters in Hell Week Committee decisions but are rather advisers to the current Traditions Mistress(es)/Master(s)/Mistex and members of the Committee.

Representative to the Faculty

  1. The office of Representative to the Faculty may be held by two people.
  2. The Representative to the Faculty shall be responsible for representation of SGA  at each meeting of the Faculty.
  3. The Representative to the Faculty shall be responsible for communication between the Faculty and its committees and the Assembly.
  4. The Representative to faculty shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  5. One of the primary functions of the Representative to the Faculty is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Head of Social Committee

  1. The Head of the Social Committee may be held by two people
  2. The Social Committee shall organize and facilitate campus-wide programming.
  3. The two heads shall call and preside over meetings of the committee.
  4. The Head of the Social Committee shall act as a liaison between the Assembly and organizations funded by SGA and shall provide information about such organizations to the SGA Association in the form of a booklet to be distributed to all members of SGA.
  5. The Head of the Social Committee shall be voting members of the Representative Council.
  6. The Head of the Social Committee shall serve on the Alcohol and Party Review Board.
  7. One of the primary functions of the Head of the Social Committee is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short-term goals.

Head of Campus Safety Committee

  1. The office of Head of the Campus Safety Committee may be held by two people.
  2. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall call and preside at regular meetings of the Campus Safety Committee.
  3. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee is responsible for meeting regularly with the Administrative Head of Campus Safety.
  4. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall be the liaison between the Administrative Head of Campus Safety, the Campus Safety Committee, and the Assembly.
  5. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall serve on the Residence Council.
  6. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall, at the discretion of the office-holder, serve as a liaison between the Assembly and the Department of Transportation.
  7. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  8. The Head of the Campus Safety Committee shall serve on the Alcohol and Party Review Board.
  9. One of the primary functions of the Head of the Campus Safety Committee is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Athletic Association Representative

  1. The Athletic Association Representative shall be held by only one person at any one time.
  2. The Athletic Association Representative shall serve as liaison between the Assembly, Department of Physical Education and the Athletic Association.
  3. The Athletic Association Representative shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  4. One of the primary functions of the Athletic Association Representative is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.

Career and Civic Engagement Representative

  1. The Career and Civic Engagement Representative shall be held by only one person at any one time. 
  2. The Career and Civic Engagement Representative shall attend meetings of the CE staff and serve as a liaison between CE and the Assembly.  
  3. The Career and Civic Engagement Representative may sit in on SFC budgeting, with the capacity to be involved in the transportation aspect of budgeting for Community Service and Activism groups as an informant, not as a decision-maker. This will allow for a seamless budgeting process for all student activities.
  4. The Career and Civic Engagement Representative will share one vote representing the Career and Civic Engagement Center in the Self-Government Association Representative Council.
  5. The Career and Civic Engagement Representative may serve as a liaison to SGA-funded groups who might benefit from Career and Civic Engagement resources.

SGA Archivist

  1. The position of SGA Archivist shall be an elected position, held by only one person.
  2. The SGA Archivist shall have one vote on the Representative Council.
  3. The SGA Archivist shall attend meetings of the Representative Council and will advise on issues relating to SGA.
  4. The SGA Archivist shall call and preside over meetings of the Committee on Institutional Memory.
  5. The SGA Archivist shall present quarterly reports at Representative Council meetings on their findings that are relevant to current issues and discussions of the Representative Council and greater campus community.
  6. The SGA Archivist shall, to the best of their ability, assist in carrying out the SGA’s long and short term goals.
  7. The SGA Archivist shall collaborate with the SGA Executive Board and Representative Council to grow institutional memory continuously, from year to year.

McBride Representatives

  1. The McBride Representative may be held by two people.
  2. If there are two people holding office, only one Representative is required to be present at meetings of the Representatives Council.
  3. The McBride Representative shall be responsible for the representation of the McBride Scholar Members at each meeting of the Representatives Council and shall be the liaison between the Assembly, the McBride Scholar Members, and SGA .
  4. The McBride Representative shall call and preside at all meetings of the McBride Scholar Members and must call at least one such meeting each semester of the academic term.
  5. The McBride Representative primary function is to vote in Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.
  6. The McBride Representative shall attend and participate in Representatives Council meetings.
  7. The McBride Representative may serve on committees formed by Representatives Council.
  8. The McBride Representative shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.

Honor Board Representatives

  1.     All elected student representatives to the Honor Board take office immediately after the election.
  2.     The members of the existing board shall serve until a quorum of the succeeding board is elected.
  3.     That quorum, for both academic and social hearings, is defined as five of the eight permanent student members. Each permanent member must be a candidate for the Bryn Mawr A.B. degree.
  4.     The eight permanent student members of the Honor Board shall be responsible for periodically meeting to assess the Honor Code and to provide for adequate familiarity with the Honor Code among members of SGA.
  5.     They shall also make certain that prospective first-year traditional non-transfer students are informed about the Honor Code in the College Calendar and in Admissions materials, and that the Customs Week program includes Board-conducted seminars on life in the community under the Honor Code.

Dorm Presidents

  1. The office of the Dorm President(s) shall be held by up to two persons at one time.
  2. The Dorm President(s)primary function is to vote in the Representative Council meetings and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short-term goals.
  3. Dorm President(s) shall attend and participate in the Representative Council meetings.
  4. Dorm President(s) shall give a report to their residence hall twice a semester at Dorm Meetings.
  5. Dorm President(s) may serve on committees formed by the Representative Council.
  6. Dorm President(s) shall be a voting member of the Representative Council.
  7. Dorm President(s) shall serve on the Board of Social Life Orientation and Wellness (BSLOW).
  8. Dorm President(s) shall distribute the minutes.

Members at Large

  1. There shall be no more than six Members-at-Large at any one time.
  2. The Members-at-Large primary function is to vote in Representatives Council and to participate in achieving Representative Council’s long and short term goals.
  3. Members-at-Large shall attend and participate in the Representative Council meetings.
  4. Members-at-Large may serve on committees formed by Representative Council.
  5. Members-at-Large shall be voting members of the Representative Council.